6 Recipes With Turmeric for an Anti-Inflammatory Boost

turmeric for anti-inflammatory

Wondering how to incorporate this star spice? Turmeric has countless science-proven health benefits (revise: anti-inflammatory effects and high antioxidant agent), which makes it an ideal ingredient to add to your weekly lineup. Here are six “recipes with turmeric” you must try ASAP—plus all you need to know about this versatile ingredient.

Recipes with Turmeric

In the cold weather, we naturally shift to spicy foods to give us cozy and warm vibes. But these spices do more than warm us up. They can nourish you with some profound health benefits (like boosting your metabolism or providing your system with anti-inflammatory support). When you hear about spicy foods, the first thought that tickles your mind might be of ingredients such as cinnamon, black pepper, or even ginger. But dietitians and nutritionists recommend including turmeric in your spice rack, too. It deserves a status more than just the bright yellowish element in curry powder. Ready to try the spice? 


Turmeric is a root that resembles ginger but with a golden color and an earthy flavor that’s slightly sore and savory. Being native to southern India and Indonesia and widely grown on the landmass and on the islands of the Indian Ocean.


Turmeric has long been used in antique India for its therapeutic qualities, but it has become more widely known and valued for its antioxidant and low inflammatory profile.

You’ve probably heard that turmeric has manifold health benefits. According to health experts, the spice’s antioxidant and anti-inflammatory features are the two main tools that allow it to deliver a comprehensive collection of impressive benefits, thanks to curcumin, the major polyphenol in turmeric.

Studies have shown that curcumin can help facilitate healthy cholesterol levels and reduce attributes for aging and anxiety in various body parts. Another trial relates it to improving brain function and protecting the skin from aging

Ground Turmeric Versus Fresh Turmeric

You might be wondering if there are plus and minus points of ground turmeric vs. fresh. You can use the two well, conversely, but fresh turmeric root is worth testing (if you can approach it) because the flavor is more complicated than the ground version. Fresh turmeric is excellent texture-wise, but ground turmeric mixes more easily into beverages, like if you’re making turmeric shot, tea, or milk. 

You can access fresh turmeric in the produce department, usually near other global items. Ground turmeric is available in the spice gallery and has a little more damped taste because it’s finely ground.  


Ready to get moving on those turmeric recipes? Whether baking with turmeric powder or cooking with turmeric root, it’s essential to keep these things in your mind. Read this first.

  • Turmeric can blemish surfaces it comes into contact with, so clean your cutting board or countertop fast—and wash your hands, too. (This is why it’s often been employed as a natural dye.)
  • Sprinkling just a little bit on day-to-day recipes can make a big difference. Besides these recipes with turmeric, you can add it to scrambled eggs, pork tenderloin, roasted vegetables of all sorts, or chicken soup.
  • While cooking with fresh or ground turmeric, professionals say pairing it with Piperine (black pepper extract) or a healthy fat is most suitable. A crossover study discovered that ground and fresh turmeric are equally bioavailable in the company of an absorbing agent like black pepper or healthy fat. 
  • You can also fetch your turmeric fixed via supplements. If you opt, you don’t need to be anxious about the black pepper content as long as the supplement retains curcumin in its extract form.


No official upper limits are determined for turmeric, but as per the World Health Organization (WHO) Joint Expert Committee on the Food Additives (JECFA), the acceptable dietary consumption for curcumin is 1.4 mg per pound (3 mg/kg) of your body weight a day. A teaspoon of ground turmeric has 200 milligrams of curcumin. 

But don’t worry about the math. Health professionals recommend keeping it simple: “Supplement with curcumin on days you are not having turmeric in your diet.” You’re not likely to overplay it on curcumin intake, but this is the easiest way to get turmeric in your diet in various ways. 

They suggest looking for one with at least 100 mg of turmeric extract if you want to use a supplement. Also, look for products with third-party certification, such as Safe Quality Food (SQF), to determine whether you’re receiving a high-quality formula. AMVital Nutrition keeps this certification and is prepared with turmeric extract that is 95 percent curcumin. “It’s like you’re doing without the middleman and having curcumin in its most bioavailable (absorbable) state.”

Ready to start adding more warm, peppery turmeric recipes to your diet? Try our favorites below.


recipes with turmeric

Feel free to add a plant-based protein powder like HUM’s Core Strength to make it more filling and to support muscle recovery after a workout. Turmeric is an excellent counterpoint to ingredients such as coconut milk, mango, and banana because of its peppery, earthy taste. If you don’t have coconut milk, swap oat milk instead (but remember it won’t have that signature tropical taste).


PREP: 2 minutes   

COOK: 0 minutes     




  • 1 cup canned coconut milk
  • ½ cup frozen mango (or fresh)
  • 1 banana
  • 1 teaspoon honey 
  • ½ teaspoon ground ginger
  • 1 1-inch pieces fresh turmeric, peeled (about 1 tablespoon or 1 teaspoon ground)


  • High-speed blender


  1. Blend all the ingredients in a high-speed blender until smooth. (Add a handful of ice if you aren’t using frozen mangoes.)
  2. Pour it into a chilled glass (optional) and enjoy immediately. 



recipes with turmeric

This a deliciously nourishing recipe to bring a bit of life into your roast veggies!


CATEGORY: Dinner   

SERVINGS: 4     

PREP TIME: 10 Minutes   

COOK TIME:  50 Minutes



  • ½ butternut squash
  • 250g baby carrots
  • 200g trimmed sprouts
  • 250g parsnips
  • 100g pomegranate seeds
  • 1 tbsp olive oil
  • Salt and pepper
  • Fresh thyme



  1. Preheat your oven to 190c (fan).
  2. Peel and slice your carrots and parsnips. Chop the squash into semi-circle pieces and sprout it into halves.
  3. Add the squash, carrots, and parsnips to a roast tray, drizzle with olive oil, and season with salt and pepper. Place these into the oven to roast for 50 minutes.
  4. After around 30 minutes, add the sprouts and mix everything well to ensure even cooking.
  5. Meanwhile, to prepare the dressing, mix together the Raw Turmeric & Ginger shot, olive oil, almond butter, thyme, sweetener, salt, and soy sauce.
  6. Once your vegetables are gloriously caramelized and cooked, toss them with half of your dressing and transfer them to a serving dish.
  7. Enjoy! Garnish with pomegranate seeds, some sprigs of fresh thyme, and additional dressing on the side.



recipes with turmeric

Looking to add some nutritional goodness to your bakes? This mouth-watering recipe will do just the trick! 


CATEGORY: Baking     

SERVINGS: 16     

PREP TIME: 20 Minutes 

COOK TIME: 12 Minutes



  • 1½ tsp. of Raw Turmeric powder
  • 80g vegan butter
  • 100g caster sugar
  • 75g coconut palm sugar
  • 210g self-raising flour
  • ¾ tsp ground cinnamon
  • ½ tsp ground ginger
  • Pinch ground nutmeg
  • Pinch salt


  1. To begin making your cookie dough, gently melt the butter, then add this into a mixing bowl with coconut and caster sugar. Use a wooden spoon to mix these together to thoroughly combine.
  2. Pour in the turmeric shot and mix well.
  3. Sift the dry ingredients and add these to the mixing bowl. Fold the wet and dry ingredients together, then use your hands to bring everything together to form a smooth dough.
  4. Enfold the dough in cling film and pop this into the fridge to rest for 10 minutes.
  5. Preheat your oven to a 175c fan and line a baking tray with parchment paper.
  6. Roll the dough on a sparingly floured surface and cut out your Christmas shapes. Place these onto your baking tray and bake for 10-12 minutes until golden.
  7. Allow your cookies to cool completely- this will also let them nicely crisp up!
  8. You can enjoy them as they are or decorate them with some frosting and festive sprinkles.



recipes with turmeric

Make this Pancake Day a healthy one.


CATEGORY: Breakfast     

SERVINGS: 3-4     

PREP TIME: 15 Minutes     

COOK TIME: 10 Minutes



  • 2 cups self-raising flour (gluten-free)
  • 1 ¼ cup non-dairy milk
  • 1 tbsp organic turmeric powder
  • 2 tbsp light olive oil
  • 3 tbsp coconut sugar
  • Coconut oil/cooking oil spray
  • 2 tbsp fresh lemon juice
  • 1 tsp cinnamon
  • ½ tsp ground ginger


  • Berries
  • Maple syrup
  • Vegan white chocolate


  1. Combine your dry ingredients in a large mixing bowl and roughly mix through.
  2. Add olive oil, Turmeric, and lemon juice. While mixing, slowly add your milk until you’re left with a smooth, pourable batter.
  3. Preheat your pan over medium heat and coat lightly with cooking spray. Pour a ladle of your pancake mixture evenly around the pan.
  4. Once bubbles begin to appear, flip and cook on the other side.
  5. Repeat this for the remaining mixture and serve with your favorite toppings.



recipes with turmeric


SERVINGS: 2     

PREP TIME: 0 Minutes     

COOK TIME: 15 Minutes



  • 200g peanut butter (or other nut butter)
  • 100g honey
  • 1 large egg
  • 2 tsp ground turmeric
  • 50g oats
  • 45g nuts (we used pecans)
  • 100g chopped dates
  • 2 tsp ground ginger
  • 1/2 tsp ground cinnamon
  • 45g crystallized ginger


  1. Heat the oven beforehand to 170 degrees C/150 degrees C fan-assisted.
  2. Line a large baking tray with grease-proof paper.
  3. Put all the ingredients into a food processor and whisk until everything is combined, forming a dough consistency.
  4. Using approximately a tablespoonful of the mixture at a time, ball the dough in your hands, then gently flatten it onto a baking sheet into a biscuit shape (if the mixture is too sticky, it may help to wet your hands when rolling each ball)
  5. Continue until all of the biscuit dough has been used.
  6. Bake in the preheated oven for 15-18 minutes or until golden color.
  7. Remove from the oven and allow it to cool.



recipes with turmeric 

At first glance, you might mistake this hummus for the traditional sort. But with golden beets and turmeric, this famous dip takes on a yellowy hue. Golden beets look orange on the outside but have yellow-orange flesh and are sweeter than their red counterpart. Turmeric pairs well with hummus, along with some cumin and paprika, for an extra kick of flavor. Mix them all together, and you have a healthy dip loaded with extra fiber and vitamins.


PREP: 10 minutes     

COOK: 10 minutes     




  • 1 cup golden beets, roasted, skins removed and quartered
  • 1 (15-ounce) can of chickpeas (drained and rinsed)
  • 2 cloves of garlic
  • 2 tablespoons of tahini
  • Half a teaspoon of ground cumin
  • Zest & one lemon juice
  • Pink sea salt (to taste)
  • Freshly ground black pepper (to taste)
  • 1/3 cup of olive oil


  1. Put the beets via pepper in the bowl of a food processor equipped with the blade and pulse many times to combine.
  2. Scotch mist in olive oil with the processor running. Process this until the consistency is smooth, stopping to sweep down the sides of the bowl as needed.
  3. Taste; it may need more salt, pepper, lemon juice, or both.

Looking for more turmeric recipes? Check out our favorites below!

Taiba Tariq

Taiba Tariq is a healthcare nutrition hobbyist, enthusiastic about researching healthcare & skincare news while analyzing the latest and science-backed evidence about nutrition, skin care, and supplements. She wants to help people regain their beauty, health, and well-being through natural means.

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