15 Science-Proven Health Benefits of Ginger Tea

ginger tea

Every person has their definition of ginger. To a landscaper, it’s a hot-blooming plant. To a child, it’s the herb in gingerbread. For Sushi fans, pickled ginger is a palate cleanser. But, many people who value ginger in its many forms have never had a cup of ginger tea. As a tea, ginger induces several health benefits in the human body. Ginger tea is a delicious beverage that’s great for your health and can be used to treat several common ailments. Most people are familiar with ginger tea, but not all of them know what it’s good for. In this article, you’ll learn about the benefits of drinking ginger tea and how to use it to improve your overall health.

So, What is Ginger?

Ginger is pretty impressive concerning its health benefits—it’s no surprise it is aka “the miracle root.” The potent rhizome deserves the utmost admiration, too. Whether consumed as a tea, dried powder, pickled, fresh, juiced, or as an oil (applied topically or dripped to water while bathing), ginger is a handy, age-old key to many health problems we still confront today. This ancient element doesn’t come without everyday science, either. The National Library of Medicine has approved Ginger’s health affirmations in randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled studies and trials.


Ginger root contains functional components such as:

  • Gingerol
  • Shogaol
  • Zingerone

ginger tea root

The people of East Asia is well-aware of its therapeutic importance for thousands of years—they still use it as a therapy for a wide range of ailments, including respiratory problems linked to colds and flu, averting nausea, boosting the appetite, revitalizing the libido, handling circulation concerns, and lowering joint pain.

Nutrition Facts of Ginger Tea

No doubt ginger may have medicinal effects, but it has nominal nutritional value, mainly when consumed in the form of tea. A cup of sliced ginger tea contains:

  • Calories: 19
  • Protein: 0 grams
  • Fat: 0 grams
  • Carbohydrates: 4 grams
  • Fiber: 0 grams
  • Sugar: 0 grams

Ginger also has some vitamins and minerals in trace amounts, such as:

  • Magnesium
  • Potassium
  • Copper

What is ginger tea good for?

No spectacle ginger entertains a revered role in ancient ayurvedic treatment as an appetite stimulus and digestive support. It serves as a carminative (prevents flatulence) and an intestinal spasmolytic (relieves the intestinal tract). Current research advocates its effectiveness as a safe therapy for trip sickness, nausea, and vomiting in pregnant women. Ginger also has an analgesic (pain-killing) effect on the joints. Gingerols, the potent anti-inflammatory blend found in ginger, seems to ease pain and improve the mobility of osteoarthritis and people living with rheumatoid arthritis. Intake of fresh, thinly shredded root ginger in boiling water has a warming action on the upper respiratory tract, producing a calming home cure for colds, flu, and coughs.

15 Science-Proven Health Benefits of Ginger Tea

Ginger tea is not only delicious, but it also offers a number of health benefits. It can reduce menstrual pain, including cramps and bloating during your period. Ginger may also be effective in treating arthritis in the knees and ankles (although this isn’t entirely clear).

1\15 Relieves Many Forms of Nauseatic Conditions

Ginger has a long record of being used for calming digestive troubles. Many studies have explored whether it can relieve nausea and vomiting due to cancer chemotherapy. An analysis of 10 studies noted positive results. Two more studies saw ginger as effective when used with anti-nausea prescriptions.

Pregnancy-linked Nausea:

Some studies have randomized using ginger for pregnancy-linked nausea and vomiting. An examination of these studies stated that ginger was much better than a placebo for relieving nausea. However, ginger could not seriously lower the vomiting episodes. The studies also found no dangers connected with using ginger during pregnancy. In fact, one study found that taking a ginger supplement before travel can help reduce motion sickness symptoms by as much as 24 percent (1).

Another study looked at how well ginger worked on morning sickness in pregnancy. The researchers gave 240 women either 2 grams of ginger or placebo pills every day until their third trimester. The results? Women who took the ginger had fewer spikes in nausea levels than those who didn’t take it!

2\15 Anti-tumour Agent

Researchers reveal that ginger’s bioactive molecules can slow down the expansion of cancers like colorectal, gastric, ovarian, liver, skin, breast, and prostate cancer.  Above all, research into [6]-gingerol has suggested it could act as an anti-tumor agent. In lab tests, mouse models have shown an anti-angiogenic effect, discouraging new blood cells from forming. As tumors need the growth of new blood cells to spread further, it’s possible that [6]-gingerol might be helpful in their treatment. It’s worth citing that plural studies examined the anti-tumor activity of [6]-gingerol has been carried out in mouse samples rather than in humans, so while the results are optimistic, more studies should prove their effects on humans.

3\15 Reduce Depression & Uplift Mood

Ginger tea is packed with antioxidants and molecules that deter stress and cause damage to the body’s DNA. They may help your body fight chronic diseases like high blood pressure, heart condition, and problematic lungs. It is because ginger improves serotonin and dopamine levels. This can decrease inflammation, which may cause depression. Ginger could also benefit anxiety, anger, dementia, Alzheimer’s disease, and post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD).

4/15 Maintains Oral Health 

Ginger’s antibacterial potency may also light up your smile. Active blends in ginger, called gingerols, retain oral bacteria from growing. These bacteria are the same ones that can cause periodontal disease, a severe gum infection.

5/15 Soothes Sore Muscles

Owing to its stable antioxidant features, ginger tea made of the extract can lower the levels of pro-inflammatory markers, helping illnesses like rheumatoid arthritis, asthma, IBD (inflammatory bowel disease), and muscle pain. Ginger won’t instantly soothe muscle pain, but it may reverse soreness over time. In a few examinations, volunteers with muscle aching from workouts who took ginger had less pain level the next day than those who didn’t.


Ginger tea increases the absorption of essential nutrients into your body, strengthening the immune system. Additionally, our natural recovery prospers with increased antioxidant levels and decreased inflammation and can exhibit anticancer effects. Studies have shown that drinking ginger tea helps lower bad cholesterol levels. It’s also good for your heart and may help you prevent heart disease. In addition, ginger tea can also lower blood pressure and help with other cardiovascular problems like diabetes or high blood pressure.

Help Angiogenesis-dependent diseases

The lemon in ginger tea showed marked apoptosis induction and angiogenesis suppression effects. Ginger extract confirmed the anti-angiogenic mark by decreasing the diameter of CAM of blood vessels. The anti-angiogenic action of ginger extract reveals its potential for diseases where inhibition of blood vessel formation is aimed.

7/15 Support Kidney Health

Our kidneys are among the five organs that eliminate toxins from our bodies. Ginger tea has been shown to have a robust effect on this super organ. It increases antioxidant portions in our kidneys, relaxing organ inflammation, diminishing fibrosis, and supporting the formation of healthier kidney tissues.

8\15 Eases Chronic Indigestion (Dyspepsia)

If you are living with chronic indigestion, also called dyspepsia, ginger tea could bring some relief. Ginger tea before meals makes your system empty promptly, thus leaving less time for foodstuffs to sit and causing issues. If you’ve ever experienced nausea due to a hangover or food poisoning, likely, you have to. Ginger can help relieve symptoms of indigestion and bloating as well as heartburn. To make ginger tea at home, simply combine one teaspoon of grated ginger with one cup of boiling water and steep for five minutes. You can add honey or lemon if needed!


The latest studies have shown ginger’s potential to reduce cellular insulin resistance. Taking ginger tea once daily will start supporting your muscles and fat and drag more glucose from your bloodstream. This increases your energy and lowers the risk of being pre-diabetic and, eventually, diabetic. More than 1 out of every 3 adults in the US are pre-diabetic.

10\15 Anti-Allergic & Anti-fever Properties

Ginger tea can be an effective anti-inflammatory and help fight infections. In fact, in some parts of Asia, ginger tea is used to treat the common cold and sore throats. Ginger also has antibacterial properties that can help reduce the severity of colds, sore throats, and other respiratory infections.
Ginger tea is especially beneficial when it comes to strep throat or bronchitis because it helps you vomit if you’re trying not to but can’t get rid of mucus buildup in your chest by yourself.

More recent research has suggested that [6]-shagoal has a substantial anti-coughing effect and could help reduce blood pressure. Besides, it may have some anti-allergic effects, as it has been shown to inhibit the discharge of histamine from mast cells, a chemical whose results show the allergic response to an allergen. An anti-fever impact has also been noted so far.

11\15 Ease Menstrual Pain

We know that ginger can be helpful for stomach upset related to motion sickness, morning sickness, and chemotherapy side effects.

A study published in the Journal of Alternative Complementary Medicine found that drinking 1 gram of ginger powder dissolved in hot water three times a day can help relieve menstrual pain. The participants were given either ginger powder or a placebo before they recorded their symptoms on an index card every two hours over five days. Those who took the ginger reported less severe cramps than those who received placebos!

There’s also evidence that over-the-counter pain relievers like ibuprofen are no better than placebos at reducing back pain. But if you experience severe period cramps, it’s worth asking your doctor if he/she thinks medication might be right for you instead—they’re generally safer than herbal remedies such as turmeric! 

12/15 Maintains Skin Health

Ginger tea benefits the skin, or you can say it is rejuvenator that:

  • Helps reduce signs of aging
  • Flushes out toxins
  • Evens skin tones
  • Lightens scars 

The antioxidant gingerol in ginger tea with lemon juice not only resists skin-damaging due to free radicals but also promotes skin collagen and brightness. For added benefits, you can also try the Turmeric ginger duo.

13\15 Stop Hair Fall Issues

Ginger has vitamins, minerals, and fatty acids that aid in strengthening the hair and is also known to boost circulation to the scalp, which is essential for stimulating hair growth. The fatty acids in ginger are healthy for thin hair. Sipping it and using hair products containing it may reduce your risk of hair loss and even boost hair regrowth.

14\15 Prevent Bowel Issues

Gingerol – a super substance rich in antioxidants known for calm and clear acidity and flatulence. Ginger tea helps to boost bowel motion and digestive activity, which in response, helps to get rid of constipation and bloating. Further, gingerol in ginger tea also helps relieve cramps and indigestion. Regular consumption of this tea could keep constipation at bay. Do check with your doctor before adding anything to your diet.

15/15 How Ginger Helps You Lose Weight

The research concludes that ginger tea:

  • Promotes feelings of fullness
  • Improves blood sugar regulation
  • Reduces the amount of fat the gut absorbs
  • Decreases inflammation in the gut
  • Increases thermogenesis 

Experts report that the research shows compelling evidence to support the ability of ginger to control obesity. Ginger tea affects how your body burns fat (thermogenesis), digests carbohydrates, and uses insulin. Scientists suggest ginger tea also interferes with how much fat your gut absorbs and controls hunger. The good news is that the ginger lime duo seems to help obese people when combined with a high-fat diet. That means you can benefit from adding ginger to your day, even if you’re starting your journey to a healthier diet. Consuming more ginger could be a superb start to your wellness.

How to make ginger tea?

Ginger tea is easy to make at home. Boil some water in a pot on the stovetop, then pour it over 1-2 teaspoons of grated fresh ginger root into a mug or teacup. Let steep for 5-10 minutes before straining out any pieces left behind by using cheesecloth or a fine mesh strainer (if you don’t have one handy). You can sweeten with honey if desired; however, we recommend waiting until after steeping because adding honey too early will cause clumping later on when it dissolves during contact with hot water! For extra flavor infusion, try adding other ingredients such as lemon slices or cinnamon sticks while steeping, too – they complement each other beautifully while adding different elements which provide added benefits like improving circulation (cinnamon).

Finally, before adding a ton of ginger to every meal or taking plenty of ginger tea, remember that overeating can result in heartburn and diarrhea – so enjoy that ginger or tea in moderation!


So, there you have it: 15 health benefits of ginger tea that might make you want to drink it every day. If you’re looking for a little more flavor or something that’s less spicy than plain ginger tea, try adding some honey or lemon juice!



Q1:Does ginger tea have caffeine?

Ans: Ginger root extract is caffeine-free.

Q2: Is ginger tea good for sore throat?

Ans: Sipping hot ginger tea is an effective sore throat home tonic. This warm beverage may be soothing to an inflamed throat, and the tea is an easy way to use ginger, allowing it to come into contact with your sore throat.

Q3: Is ginger tea good for you?

Ans: This tea can help with headaches (especially migraines) by reducing inflammation in your brain. It also helps lower blood sugar levels, so if you have diabetes or are at risk of developing diabetes, drinking ginger tea could reduce your risk of complications from that condition. It stimulates digestion and may even help prevent cancer. So there’s a good chance you’re not getting enough ginger in your life—and that’s a huge problem!

Q4: Is ginger tea good for acid reflux?

Ans: Ginger tea for acid reflux is highly healthy in smaller doses. The compounds in ginger can reduce the chance of stomach acid traveling to the esophagus.

Q5: Is ginger tea safe during pregnancy?

Ans: Yes, sipping 2 cups (500 ml) is safe for pregnant women.

Q6: What happens when you drink ginger tea first thing in the morning?

Ans: It eases digestion and keeps you fit throughout the day. It helps your body regulate your metabolism and prevents weight gain.
Q7:What is the best time to drink ginger tea?

AnsYou can take it any time of day. It works well as a pick-me-up first thing in the morning, but you can also notice it eases digestion after meals.

Taiba Tariq

Taiba Tariq is a healthcare nutrition hobbyist, enthusiastic about researching healthcare & skincare news while analyzing the latest and science-backed evidence about nutrition, skin care, and supplements. She wants to help people regain their beauty, health, and well-being through natural means.

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