How Turmeric Could Prevent or Treat Prostate Cancer

turmeric for bph

Just as turmeric has been shown to protect against Alzheimer’s (dementia) and cancer, it has also been shown to have potent health benefits for enlarged prostate-a major concern for males up to 50.

Can turmeric shrink the prostate?

When a man ages above 50, commonly, the prostate enlarges. The walnut-sized prostate gland wraps around a little tube coming from your bladder. The prostate gland plays a vital role in men’s reproductive health. But because the prostate gland is located near the rectum, it can be adversely affected by inflammation. This inflammation can cause problems like:

    • Shut down the tube and affects the ability to urinate
    • Benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH) or enlarged prostate
    • Blood in urine or semen
    • Lower urinary tract symptoms (LUTS)
    • Prostate cancer

turmeric for prostate

The ancient Ayurvedic system of medicine used this abundantly known spice turmeric to treat inflammation, skin allergies, and wounds. In recent years, scientific research has approved the medicinal properties of turmeric and its active compound, curcumin—which may help ease some of the symptoms of an enlarged prostate or BPH. Antioxidants in turmeric help fight free radicals that can damage cells in your body.

Put another way, turmeric has been shown to have powerful benefits that may help alleviate some of the symptoms of an enlarged prostate (BPH).

Studies Show Turmeric’s Effectiveness Against Prostate Cancer

Due to its anti-inflammatory marks, turmeric might be a hopeful treatment for men with an enlarged prostate (BPH). Besides the anti-inflammatory effects, the spice’s antioxidant belongings are again of interest. This is why you may notice rare Turmeric prostate supplements in the market.

Several studies have furnished proof in this regard. Let’s break it down further.

One study clarifies the connection between dihydrotestosterone (DHT) and an enlarged prostate. Resultantly, the study argues that dihydrotestosterone is one of the leading contributing agents. It is seen in increased ranges among patients with benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH).

Following the study, the impacts of turmeric were contrasted with Finasteride (a medicine used in treating an enlarged prostate). Study experts had a set of male lab rats. They were split into a total of four sets. Nevertheless, the study furnished proof that turmeric root could be beneficial. It offers natural anti-inflammatory qualities. Animal studies require a need for additional research.

Serum and prostate tissues were diagnosed in all sacrificed male rats in the fourth week of the study. Only one group accepted a daily dose of Curcumin. The only intent was to see the effects of Curcumin on the prostate gland. Hence, the study showed that Curcumin has a suppressing impact on dihydrotestosterone, which worsens the prostate.

The shielding effects of Turmeric (curcumin) were equal to that of Finasteride.

The study finalized that Turmeric and Curcumin might aid in lowering the risk of BPH (benign prostatic hyperplasia).

Researchers scrutinized how dietary polyphenols would act on the prostate gland in another clinical trial. Preferably, researchers examined curcuminoids in the study. The purpose was to see if such polyphenols would have any medicinal effect and could reduce the effects of the enlarged prostate.

Curcuminoids are elements of the Curcumin found in turmeric. It is truly one of the more powerful chemicals found in spice. The curcuminoids contribute significantly to turmeric’s antioxidant and anti-inflammatory belongings.

The researchers dissected several studies and clinical practices that were once completed.

The paper defines Curcumin does appear to have positive marks for the prostate gland. It was discovered that Curcumin has a cytoprotective reaction in the prostate gland. The anti-inflammatory effects can also hold back inflammation involving the prostate gland. The antioxidant activity of Curcumin stood as an essential element in the study.

Curcumin compared to Catechins and Resveratrol.

The paper evaluated Curcumin, catechins, and resveratrol that inhibit the growth of prostate cancer. This time, the intent was to locate alternative treatment choices for BPH (benign prostatic hyperplasia).

Curcumin may also help reduce the size of the prostate gland. One study found that when people took curcumin supplements alone or combined with other accessories (like resveratrol and capsaicin), their prostate glands shrank by about 40%. Curcumin was regarded as a beneficial therapeutic agent, so the concern was high too. There are mentions of Curcumin affecting particular enzymes involved in drug metabolism.

However, long-term use of Curcumin might hurt the body’s capacity to metabolize certain drugs virtually.

Does turmeric lower psa levels in enlarged prostate? (Curcumin and PSA Levels)

PSA levels are usually a quiz to resolve if a man has an enlarged prostate. Further, studies have shown PSA levels can help estimate the risk of prostate cancer cells. The paper shows one study that indicated reduced serum PSA levels among men who took Curcumin.

The anti-inflammatory effects are also valuable in helping illnesses like chronic prostatitis with no bacteria. Men with prostate suffer from discomfort owing to inflammation and curcumin in turmeric proved anti-inflammatory agent in this case.

In another scientific article, researchers declared Curcumin as a golden superfood. The report focuses on delivering a better summary of the benefits of Curcumin. While the study does not just focus on the prostate, it cites some advantages related to prostate health in men.

How To Supplement With Turmeric

Turmeric is a captivating superfood that can help solve your prostate problem. Let’s have a look in case you missed it!

How much does turmeric lower PSA?

To lower PSA levels, a published study by the University of Texas, M.D. Anderson Cancer Center revealed that 500 milligrams of curcumin per day (1/4 teaspoon of fresh turmeric or organic turmeric powder) within three months for men with prostate cancer is found to be the best dosage for those undergoing testosterone deprivation therapy (HED).

The dose reduced their PSA levels by 30 percent. The researchers concluded that consuming 500 mg of turmeric daily could lower PSA levels.


Estrogen is a hormone necessary for proper prostate health. It can potentially enlarge the prostate. Initial research suggests that curcumin might impact the way estrogen functions.

    • In that case, you must avoid SOY as it is a big source of Estrogen. It can reduce the effects of hormone therapy.
    • Avoid eating/cooking non-organic vegetables & foods because it contains chemicals that mimic estrogen.
    • Stop consuming Sugar or a high-carb diet, as it can trigger insulin. Insulin can potentially cause BPH or an enlarged prostate.
    • Stay away from dairy products such as milk, yogurt, and cheese. High consumption triggers an increased risk of prostate cancer.
    • Eliminate Red meat consumption, especially grilled or barbequed red meat, as polycyclic hydrocarbons can increase the risk of prostate cancer.
    • Don’t drink caffeinated beverages and beer because they are diuretics and can worsen urinary tract symptoms.


If you don’t want to go for turmeric supplements, add the spice while cooking.

    • Have turmeric tea in the morning.
    • Add a pinch of the herb to your salads at noon.
    • Sprinkle it on steamed cauliflower in the evenings
    • Mix it into brown turmeric rice at dinner.

NOTE: You must add black pepper while using turmeric to the recipe. It will ensure curcumin absorption in your bloodstream.

Here is a list of some other potential remedies and diet that you must add to your diet while your prostate treatment:

    • Saw Palmetto
    • Green Teaturmeric Seeds
    • Zinc
    • Lycopene
    • Beets, tomatoes, and more cruciferous vegetables

In Conclusion

Turmeric may be a good option if you are looking for natural ways to cope with BPH or an enlarged prostate. While it won’t replace other treatments like medication or surgery, it can help improve your symptoms and quality of life without any side effects. The best way to start using turmeric is by incorporating it into your diet—so go ahead and enjoy that curry!

However, curcumin is also linked to increased estrogen levels when taken as an oral supplement in high doses. So if you have concerns about hyperactive hormones or breast cancer risk factors (such as being overweight), be careful not to exceed recommended doses on your own. If you’re undergoing any of the symptoms mentioned above and are concerned about your prostate health, talk with your doctor about what steps you should take next.



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Taiba Tariq

Taiba Tariq is a healthcare nutrition hobbyist, enthusiastic about researching healthcare & skincare news while analyzing the latest and science-backed evidence about nutrition, skin care, and supplements. She wants to help people regain their beauty, health, and well-being through natural means.

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