Find Out If Ginger Can Help with Your Anxiety

ginger for anxiety

When anxiety starts to creep in, do you have a plan to cope with the feeling and continue with your day? Throughout history, humans have grabbed the benefit of natural treatments to treat their ailments. From physical wounds to mental conditions, plants, animals, herbs, and even spices have been endorsed to cure discomforts for years. Among those 5,000 natural herbal remedies, one such is GINGER, which has been widespread. So, of course, you have to ask: Is ginger for anxiety beneficial?

Ginger for Anxiety: How Does it Work?

If you suffer from anxiety, you’ve probably tried countless methods to help yourself feel better. Some people swear by medications like Xanax or Prozac, while others prefer to take a more holistic approach. If you’re on the latter side of the spectrum, you may want to consider adding ginger to your diet. Read on for everything you should know about how this powerful root can help with anxiety! Especially, gingerol is what ginger owns its intrinsic antioxidant effects, which reduce oxidative stress markers. This is the effect that is equally responsible for the anti-inflammatory abilities described in ginger intake.

Although, none of this supports the answer to our question: does ginger help with anxiety? To understand the effects of ginger on stress, we need to find out what it does to the brain to reduce anxiety.


Miscellaneous studies have revealed that ginger profoundly affects human cognition and brain function. For example, one double-blind, placebo-controlled study of 70 middle-aged Thai women found that ginger root extract improved cognitive function and memory. Other studies performed in rat brains saw ginger improved mental capacity “somewhat through the antioxidant action of the extract.”

How Does it Work?

Some of the most optimistic studies concerning whether or not ginger does help with anxiety implicate serotonin. Mainly one of these underlying studies served on rats and primarily studied the cellular action to decide why ginger does help with anxiety in introductory studies. An animal study analysis found that ginger relieves anxiety by affixing serotonin receptors. The researchers found nine components of ginger that partially bandage the brain’s 5-HT(1A) receptor. In turn, this stimulated reduced symptoms of anxiety in the tested subjects.

What Does the Research Say?

Ginger is a rich source of 14 bioactive blends and antioxidant effects. Researchers have found that these compounds can have a favorable impact by sharpening cognitive processes and could reduce damage linked to oxidative stress.

One of the benefits of ginger we’ve discussed in our previous blogs on GINGER is that it can affect serotonin levels, which has an effect on anxiety levels. In fact, ginger might be as valuable as benzodiazepine drugs in relieving and treating anxiety.


How Ginger Soothes the Brain and Reduces Anxiety?

Not only does ginger help with anxiety, but there are several science-proven health benefits for brain function. The anti-inflammatory traits can be beneficial to stimulating brain roles and lowering the risk of common brain-associated conditions such as:

  • Alzheimer’s disease
  • Depression
  • Dementia
  • Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD)
  • Suicidal inclinations
  • Schizophrenia

Among the 14 bioactive chemicals, ginger has two potent compounds:

—-> 6-shogaol

These two compounds in ginger increase blood flow in the brain and have anti-inflammatory properties. When blood flow improves in your brain, it supports nutrient delivery to the brain cells. Also, it helps stimulate the brain organ healthily. At the same time, adequate blood flow activity is essential for the removal of toxins, debris, and metabolic waste. That’s how ginger increases blood flow to the brain by reducing stress and anxiety.

1. Protects Brain From Free Radicle Damage

Owing to its richness in antioxidants, it protects the brain from free radical damage. As free radicals are unattached oxygen molecules that are a byproduct of metabolic activity. To date, nearly 400 bioactive compounds have been recognized in ginger. Possibly 50 of these are antioxidants. 

Overproduction of free radicals results in inflammation and premature cell aging that can damage cell DNA. The brain is mainly exposed to free radical (oxidative) damage because it utilizes a lot of oxygen.

Free radicals are induced by these things every day, such as: 

  • air pollution
  • alcohol
  • openness to toxins
  • fried food
  • mobile phone radiation
  • stress
  • smoking

The antioxidant ability of ginger also defends the brain against further harm and enhances memory loss after a stroke. Moreso, ginger guards glial cells in the brain from getting damaged. These technical brain cells help keep neurons and clear metabolic debris and toxins in the brain that lead to Alzheimer’s.

2. Balance Brain Chemicals To Ease Depression 

Ginger boosts the level of two crucial mood-boosting neurotransmitters, serotonin, and dopamine. Depression and anxiety are deeply related to low levels of both. Serotonin is the “happiness hormone” necessary for nourishing a cheerful spirit. Dopamine is the “motivation hormone” that allows you to concentrate and be creative. It also controls your pleasure-reward strategy. Additionally, ginger can help with depression due to its anti-inflammatory effects.

3. Improve Memory & Attention

Traditionally, people have been using ginger to treat memory loss and dementia. Now, research shows that it improves other cognitive functions besides enhancing memory.

In a recent study, healthy adults were given dried ginger supplements; they improved memory capacity, engagement time, and concentration. 

Bioactive compounds found in ginger increase the action of acetylcholine, a neurotransmitter that plays a vital part in learning and recollection. The most commonly named Alzheimer’s medications are founded on a similar method. These cholinesterase inhibitors perform by blocking an enzyme that splits down acetylcholine.

4. Defends Against Diabetic Brain Conditions

Anyone who is diabetic should welcome ginger to the diet. It can assist with blood sugar control for those with type 2 diabetes. Antioxidants found in ginger, known as gingerols, improve insulin sensitivity and can help control diabetic complications; many of them are neurological. Maintaining blood sugar levels is essential for long-term brain fitness for everyone, particularly for those with diabetes. It’s now questioned that Alzheimer’s disease is a type of diabetes that emerges when brain cells evolve insulin-resistant and cannot carry blood glucose, the brain’s primary power source. 

 5. Fights Adrenal Fatigue Responsible for Stress

The HPA axis (hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal axis) is a complicated web of interchanges between the hypothalamus, pituitary, and adrenal glands that regulate the stress response. Chronic stress levels can lead to dysfunction of the HPA axis mechanism, usually known as adrenal fatigue. Overwhelming fatigue is the primary sign of adrenal fatigue. Still, other symptoms are brain fog, depression, anxiety, insomnia, and an incapacity to manage stress. 

Adrenal Fatigue experts suggest using a ginger root extract, along with ginkgo and ginseng, as part of his natural adrenal fatigue treatment.

These adaptogenic herbs supplement energy and resilience to stress by fortifying the adrenal glands and modulating the levels of stress hormones.

6. Therapy for Neurotoxic Glutamate

Glutamate is a powerful neurotransmitter, but its excessive levels can be neurotoxic and can even yield brain cells to expire. Monosodium glutamate (MSG) is a universal food additive that can disable glutamate from reaching harmful levels. 


Commonly reported side effects of MSG are: 

  • asthma
  • brain fog
  • heart palpitations
  • migraine headaches
  • mood swings
  • muscle frailty
  • sweating

MSG is accountable for a set of symptoms known as the MSG symptom complex. MSG is common in processed, salty foods like salty snacks, soy vegetable protein, canned soups, and ramen noodles, but it is most related to Asian eateries. Asians use ginger generously in their cooking. This is advantageous since ginger protects the brain from the neurotoxic marks of MSG. 

If you are exposed to MSG, use ginger in the form of supplements when you sense the side effects of MSG.

7. Reduces Migraines & Headaches

Ginger virtually reduces the distress of migraine headaches. Its healing effects resemble approvingly the generally defined migraine drug sumatriptan (Imitrex), which acts by tightening blood vessels in the brain. But sumatriptan is inappropriate for everyone because it has multiple side effects and should not be combined with SSRI (selective serotonin reuptake inhibitor) antidepressants.

Consumption of SSRIs and sumatriptan together can lead to detrimental serotonin syndrome. Ginger, on the other hand, can ease headache pain with no scary interactions or adverse effects.

8. Lowers Inflammation in the Brain & Body

Inflammation is now achieving scientific approval as a root cause of anxiety. Ginger contains compounds called gingerols, which are natural anti-inflammatories that can help reduce inflammation in the body. This means that if you’re experiencing swelling or pain due to an injury or illness, adding ginger to your daily diet may help alleviate these symptoms. Ginger also has a mild analgesic effect, meaning it can promote feelings of relaxation by reducing pain levels without causing drowsiness or dizziness. In fact, some studies have found that adding ginger to foods such as tea and soups can help reduce nausea and vomiting after surgery!


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How to Use Ginger to Help with Anxiety

Ginger helps you sleep better by improving sleep quality rather than reducing total sleep time. Additionally, it works best when taken 1 hour before bedtime or earlier, so don’t wait until midnight!

If you’re interested in using ginger to help with your anxiety, here are some of the ways you can go about it:

Eating fresh ginger.

The easiest way to use fresh ginger is to peel it and eat it as is or cook with it in your favorite dishes. You can also make a delicious tea by mixing together 1/4 cup of grated ginger root and boiling water until the mixture reaches your desired strength. Add sugar or honey if desired!

Taking ginger supplements.

If you prefer to eat something other than raw or cooked ginger, many supplements on the market contain high concentrations of this powerful root. Be sure that any supplement has at least 2 percent standardized extracts per capsule for maximum effectiveness! Find supplements that have been third-party tested to guarantee they include 100 percent ginger without fillers or avoided additives. Ground ginger is often marketed as encapsulated.

Honey Lemon Ginger Tea:

You can drink ginger tea for anxiety. The recommended amount is 3-4 cups (800 ml) of ginger tea to decline stress and boost mood. You can prepare it at home by saturating sliced or grating fresh ginger in boiling water. Sip the tea slowly, as drinking it too fast may trigger Nausea. Ginger tea bags are also accessible in the grocery stores near you.

Possible Side Effects of Ginger and Precautions to Take

Ginger may cause heartburn and nausea and can interact with certain medications. You should not take ginger if you’re taking a blood thinner, such as warfarin (Coumadin), aspirin, or heparin because it could increase your risk of bleeding. It’s always important to talk with your doctor before taking ginger if you’re pregnant or breastfeeding.

In addition to treating physical ailments like inflammation or pain, there are also lots of ways that consuming ginger can benefit mental health too! Many people report that this root vegetable helps them manage their stress levels better because it’s such an effective anti-anxiety remedy—and now we know why: when combined with other spices like cinnamon (which is famous for its calming effects), they work together synergistically, so they don’t just cancel each other out but instead create something even more potent than either one alone would’ve been on its own!


I hope this article has helped you better understand how you can incorporate ginger as a natural remedy for anxiety and give you some ideas on incorporating more ginger into your diet. As we’ve mentioned before, there are many different ways to use ginger in order to help with anxiety—from taking it as a supplement or drinking tea made from the ginger root or its leaves. All these methods have shown promise in the scientific literature. They have been used successfully by many people suffering from anxiety disorders. Hence, they know what dosage best suits them based on personal factors such as age, gender, or other medical conditions like pregnancy status! It’s essential that if you try any of these suggestions out yourself (or if someone else does), they should consult their doctor first.

Taiba Tariq

Taiba Tariq is a healthcare nutrition hobbyist, enthusiastic about researching healthcare & skincare news while analyzing the latest and science-backed evidence about nutrition, skin care, and supplements. She wants to help people regain their beauty, health, and well-being through natural means.

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